'If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies!'

November 15, 2015


another day ends with a colorful sunset...let the coming hours, days, months bring light, hope, love, compassion and most of all #peace all over the world.
we're all made of the same material, we coexist in this world and we should learn to do it peacefully. no human being is better or more worthy than another, we are all equal!
whether you're religious or not it's irrelevant; what's happening in this world is not any religions fault it's the fault of humans who forgot the essence of humanity and use religion as an excuse for their acts. 
we should all respect others in the way we want to be respected, we should treat them in the way we would like to be treated and love others in the way we want to be loved. It might come as silly but that's all there is to it!
empathy, compassion, love, humanity, fellowship, friendship, respect, equality...words for which the real meaning is so often forgotten...and yet they're some of the most important ones!